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Surviving Emergencies: Essential Apps You Need Now

Essential Apps for a State of Emergency

When a natural disaster occurs, the first thing that comes to mind is ensuring personal safety and security. Having essential apps on your mobile device can help make managing unforeseen circumstances during a crisis easier.

These apps provide invaluable, timely information to safeguard your well-being. In this article, we will highlight some essential apps for a state of emergency.


FEMA stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It is a government agency responsible for managing a coordinated national effort when natural disasters and emergencies occur.

With the

FEMA app, you get real-time alerts about what is happening before, during, and after a disaster. It provides relevant information on what to do before, during, and after a natural disaster.

Besides, the app provides essential information that helps locate emergency shelters, food, and water supplies within your locality. The

FEMA app is available for both Android and iOS devices.

Emergency! By the American Red Cross

The American Red Cross Emergency! App’s primary goal is to help people prepare for emergencies, whether natural or man-made. It provides customized weather alerts that provide you with real-time up-to-date weather reports in your area of residence.

The app enables users to access vital information like first aid procedures, guidelines, and tips to ensure personal safety. It also provides information on how to stay informed during times of crisis as well as help locate nearby hospitals, pharmacies, and other important services that you may require during a disaster.

The app is available on both Android and iOS.

HUD Resource Locator


HUD Resource Locator app is an app developed and managed by the U.S. Housing and Urban Development agency. The app is designed to provide information and resources in the event of a natural disaster.

Users can access various resources from the HUD app, including disaster assistance, finding rental housing, and homeownership resources, among others. The app also offers essential guidance on what to do before, during, and after a natural disaster.

The app is available for both Android and iOS.


The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service developed the

FoodKeeper app. The app offers invaluable tips and recommendations on how to correctly store food and reduce wastage in the event of a disaster.

It helps users to understand the recommended timelines for keeping food before it goes bad, as well as the proper temperature and storage condition for different food types. It is designed to help you estimate how long food can last in storage during a natural disaster, whether it is preserved or fresh.

The app is available for both Android and iOS.

Honorable Mentions


AccuWeather is an all-purpose app designed to provide weather updates to its users. It allows you to monitor multiple locations and provides up-to-the-minute weather analysis with relevant alerts.

AccuWeather helps you track inclement weather, temperature, and humidity changes in the area to keep you informed and updated.


Nextdoor is a neighborhood social network app designed to connect people within the same geographical area. In case of an emergency like a natural disaster or accident, this app enables hyperlocal neighbors to reach out to one another in real-time and provide support.

Besides, it provides an emergency broadcast alert feature that alerts neighbors of a potential danger nearby.


In a state of emergency, having the right apps installed on our mobile devices can make a difference in how we cope. The apps outlined in this article provide essential information and resources to ensure personal safety, keep food and supplies secure, and help us stay informed.

It is critical to prepare before a disaster strikes and have these essential apps that can offer real-time assistance during a crisis.

States of Emergency and their Types

Natural disasters, national security threats, financial crises, and epidemics are some of the most common types of states of emergency. Let’s take a closer look at each of these in detail.

Natural Disasters

Natural disasters are one of the most common types of states of emergency. They include hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes.

These natural disasters can cause widespread damage, injuries, and even death. Having access to real-time alerts is essential in such scenarios.

Many governments and organizations have developed apps to help prepare and manage natural disasters. These apps provide accurate information on evacuation routes, shelter locations, and other helpful tips.

National Security Threats

National security threats such as terrorism and cyber-attacks can pose significant risks to public safety. Terrorists and hackers can cause extensive damage to critical infrastructure and cause chaos and panic.

In such cases, governments must provide real-time alerts to the public with the most accurate information available. Thus, quick and effective response strategies such as evacuation plans and backup generators are essential to minimize the damage caused by these attacks.

Financial Crises

Financial crises can lead to massive economic disruptions that can affect several aspects of the population. Stock market crashes, economic downturn, and recession are examples of financial crises that can cause a state of emergency.

In such cases, governments and financial institutions play an essential role in supporting individuals and businesses affected by these events. Guidelines on how to cope with the financial and economic challenges are often provided to mitigate the impact of this type of emergency.


Epidemics such as pandemics and disease outbreaks can pose significant public health risks. They often require coordinated efforts from government and non-governmental organizations to mitigate and manage their effects.

Real-time alerts and access to accurate information are crucial in reducing the transmission of diseases and promoting public safety. In such scenarios, guidelines on prevention measures and treatment options should be communicated effectively to the public.

Importance of Access to Information

Access to information is vital in times of emergencies. Real-time alerts and disaster preparedness resources are essential in managing and mitigating the effects of states of emergency.

The following are some of the reasons why access to information is necessary:

Real-Time Alerts

Instant notifications are critical in mitigating the effects of emergencies. Many apps and platforms have been designed to offer real-time alerts, providing people with updates on events such as natural disasters, financial crises, and epidemics.

These alerts help people stay informed and prepared, enabling them to take the necessary precautions to prevent injuries and loss of life.

Accurate Information

During a state of emergency, there is often a lot of misinformation circulating. This phenomenon can cause widespread panic and confusion, thereby undermining efforts to manage the crisis.

Access to accurate information from reliable sources can help reduce the impact of this type of misinformation. It also helps in managing the crisis and facilitating relevant response measures.

Disaster Preparedness Resources

Guidelines and helpful tips are a significant aspect of disaster preparedness. They can help people prepare effectively for states of emergency, including natural disasters, financial crises, and epidemics.

Access to such resources through various apps and websites can provide information on preventing injuries, how to respond during an emergency, and what to do in the aftermath. In conclusion, states of emergency can be devastating events that can cause widespread damage, injuries, and loss of life.

Access to real-time alerts, accurate information, and disaster preparedness resources can make a significant difference in managing and mitigating the effects of these emergencies. Governments, organizations, and individuals must work together to ensure that such resources are readily available to prevent disasters and protect citizens.


Mobile apps have become an integral part of emergency response strategies. They provide valuable information that can help protect people during emergencies.

State of emergency apps and independent apps play different roles in disaster management. In this section, we will explore these types of apps and their specific features.

State of Emergency Apps

State of emergency apps offer a range of features that help promote safety and protection during times of disaster. They are often developed and maintained by national and local governments and other disaster management organizations.

Some of the most significant features of state of emergency apps include:

Real-Time Alerts

Many state of emergency apps are designed to provide real-time alerts to users about critical events in their immediate environment. These alerts may be about severe weather events, terrorist attacks, and other security threats.

They are essential in helping people prepare effectively for emergency situations and make safe decisions.

Emergency Response Information

State of emergency apps often contain critical information about emergency response procedures. This information may include details on how to evacuate a building or an area in case of a fire or bomb threat, first aid measures, and emergency contacts.

Users can take advantage of this information to respond correctly and safely during emergencies.

Shelter Information

State of emergency apps often contain news about local shelter options available during disasters. These shelters are critical for people who need immediate relief and do not have anywhere else to go.

Users can take advantage of the shelter information to find temporary accommodation and other essential services in the event of a disaster.

Independent Apps

Independent apps are alternative apps that provide specialized features and connections to specific communities. These apps help connect people in various ways, including volunteering, making donations, and community building.

Some of the most significant features of independent apps include:

Community Connections

Independent apps provide an excellent opportunity for people to connect with others in their local communities. People can use these apps to share experiences with others, discuss news and share information about events happening in their areas.

Specialized Features

Independent apps often offer niche features that are unique to the app’s purpose. For example, apps like GasBuddy allow users to find the cheapest gas prices in their locality.

Food delivery apps allow people to order food from local restaurants and have it delivered to their doorstep. This specialized functionality provides significant benefits in times of emergencies as users can take advantage of the app’s features to obtain essential services quickly.

In conclusion, mobile apps are an essential element of disaster management strategies. State of emergency apps provide critical information that promotes safety and protection during emergencies.

Independent apps provide useful features that allow users to connect with their communities and access specialized services. Governments, organizations, and individuals must embrace these apps to ensure that they can respond effectively to emergencies and keep people informed and safe.

In conclusion, state of emergency apps and independent apps are essential in mitigating the effects of emergencies. State of emergency apps offer real-time alerts, emergency response information, and shelter information, while independent apps provide community connections and specialized features.

Access to information during emergencies can help minimize the impact of these events on individuals and communities. Therefore, it is crucial to embrace the use of mobile apps and ensure that we are prepared to respond to emergency situations effectively.

As such, we must maintain constant vigilance, and learn to leverage all available resources to keep ourselves and our communities safe.

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